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Please help stop this... 500 million live lost already

I’m sorry to put this in front of you but this is a reality of what’s going on in Australlia right now... I’m not asking you to get on a flight and throw buckets of water at the flames... I’m asking you to help the hero’s fighting those flames right now... And the poor animals suffering from these fires. I’m supporting Steve Irwin’s Wilde life warriors they have already taken 100,000 animals in during these fires... The casualties to wildlife is the biggest price these fires are costing. Not the pennies in our pockets.

Already half a billion animals have died in the fires.

No one is taking into the account the rehabilitation these animals will need after fire damage... the relocating needed for homes... food, water and of course medical costs. Let’s do what we can, and try at least make some impact, please.

We are nearly 75% of the way there!!!

Please don’t forget to share this fundraiser with your friends!
Let’s hit that target for Australian wildlife before the end of the week! 🙏🏻